Forums - Is it possible or impossible to mash out of the AHVB??? Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Is it possible or impossible to mash out of the AHVB??? ( Posted by Mitsuflip on 05:09:2001 08:26 AM: I dunno if it's possible but I think it works just like mashing out of the tempest... But it has to happen right after the first AHVB... Posted by Sentinel_Nuts on 05:09:2001 10:25 AM: Nope, that's impossible. Although, if you mash like crazy after the first AHVB you may be able to mess up his timing so he cant land another one. Posted by BroodKill on 05:09:2001 11:41 AM: I heard it is possible. You have to mash like crazy. Some just don't do it because it's not consistent and you might accidently throw a jab or something and get hit a another AHVB. That's a bad situation because it will reset the damage reduction. Posted by CgHuReInS on 05:09:2001 02:24 PM: No, it's not possible. Posted by FecalPenance on 05:09:2001 02:35 PM: You can't mash out of a single ahvb, but you can make it harder for the second one to connect... one of the japanese videos in the multimedia section shows a good example of this. Posted by Cybernator on 05:09:2001 03:17 PM: From what ive seen i think its impossible. Posted by ej_333 on 05:09:2001 03:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mitsuflip I dunno if it's possible but I think it works just like mashing out of the tempest... But it has to happen right after the first AHVB... If you're mashing on your buttons, no, you cannot mash out of AHVB. If you're mashing on your OPPONENT'S buttons, on the other hand, yes, you can break out of AHVB. Posted by Naslectronical on 05:09:2001 03:36 PM: Oh yeah, you can mash out of it. Just mash like crazy after the first one connects, and you'll be able to block the second one. Posted by Zechs on 05:09:2001 05:47 PM: What is this? A memorandum to all arcade players to break as many MvC2 machines as Possible? Posted by CgHuReInS on 05:09:2001 07:28 PM: Mash all you want. The 2nd one will still hit you unless they mess up the timing. Posted by lilswtaznboi on 05:09:2001 07:40 PM: Listen there is NO WAY TO MASH OUTTA the AHVB if you do you're just causing the arcade to fix the buttons and sticks if you're gonna try to shake out too. And the japanese don't mash out of it. If they did then they did a horrible job because in the B5 trailer 3 AHVB was done a couple times. If you somehow block the 2nd or 3rd AHVB the other person mistimed it Posted by Dynamyte2U on 05:09:2001 08:39 PM: Okay, theoretically, you CANNOT mash out of it. Mashing does not put break out of hit-stun faster, and the AHVB infinite works because the move is fast enough to recover and restart before the opponent comes out of hit-stun. If you can't shorten the hit-stun time, you can't break out. I've heard some people say stuff like: "Once I was mashing on the 2nd one, and I somehow managed to block the 3rd one." Well, the only reason why you were able to block the 3rd one is because your opponent screwed up; NOT because you mashed. Using that logic, I could say: "Once I was scratching my ass when I was getting hit by an AHVB, and on the second AHVB, I blocked it. In conclusion, scratching your ass breaks out of the second AHVB." See what I mean? Posted by Dasrik on 05:09:2001 09:26 PM: Yes, you can mash out of the AHVB. And you can mash out of IM's infinite. In fact, you can mash out of anything. You can mash out of mashes! Fucking idiots. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 05:09:2001 11:00 PM: No you cannot mash out of Hyper Super but you can do stuff to distract the opponents timing (something legal) like before he is supposed to do the next one hit all your bottons really hard with your hold hand this will make a lound noise ( might hurt your hand too but you'll get used to it) i sometimes manage to throw off their timing doing that.........this tactic also scares them LOL its pritty funny! AZ style Posted by JaHa on 05:10:2001 12:15 AM: doesnt work dont bother mashin Posted by Mr. SmArTy on 05:10:2001 01:33 AM: The only way to escape AHVB x 3 is when your opponent screws over. Posted by Wind on 05:10:2001 01:36 AM: Yes, I highly doubt you can mash out of an AHVB. It only seems that way because the person perfoming the ahvb screws up. Posted by teammember007 on 05:12:2001 07:40 AM: I heard that Viscant said it's possible. If he said it, I believe. Posted by dragonkahn on 05:12:2001 03:57 PM: As ej_333 has stated previously, if you mash on your opponent's buttons, then you'll be able to get out of the 2nd AHVB. Posted by BshidoHEAT on 05:12:2001 04:19 PM: How about mashing on your opponents face? That would work also. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 05:12:2001 04:29 PM: no but I found if you rip a big fart after they land the second one they normaly won't be able to continue Posted by Naslectronical on 05:12:2001 04:33 PM: When they get done with the first one and they're about to start the second one, point away from the machine and yell out really loud: WHAT'S THAT OVER THERE?!?! Posted by aks216 on 05:12:2001 05:18 PM: some of you are not very smart. read the mashing article in this site. it will tell you everything. and NO, you can't mash out of the air hyper viper beam...and you can't mash out of the ironman infinite. like i said, read the mashing article on if someone can please link to it. Posted by peetah on 05:12:2001 06:05 PM: Of course you can mash out of AHVB... what do you think the opponent's start button is for? Decoration? Posted by evil_mastermao on 05:12:2001 06:43 PM: of course if you guys love so much to mash. then go and get some mash potatoes!!! muahahahahahaha lol and if you really think that mashing will take you out of hpvb then how about mashing your dick and maybe you be able to block the 2nd one ha???? and after that mashing your 2 ball it would help to block the rest of the hpvb!!! Posted by dragonkahn on 05:13:2001 02:48 AM: If we couldn't mash on the opponent's start button, then Capcom wouldn't have made a button for it in the first place. Posted by NJzFinest on 05:13:2001 02:49 AM: no it is NOT POSSIBLE. i dont know why people would think is possible. mashing out of a AHVBx3... Posted by teammember001 on 05:15:2001 06:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by aks216 some of you are not very smart. read the mashing article in this site. it will tell you everything. and NO, you can't mash out of the air hyper viper beam...and you can't mash out of the ironman infinite. like i said, read the mashing article on if someone can please link to it. Visant wrote that article(a long time ago), and he said that's possible to mash out of the AHVB now, so what this tells you... Posted by Monkeyking on 05:15:2001 06:05 AM: man i matches against cable would be sooo much easier... All times are GMT. The time now is 01:01 AM. Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.